©1597 written by W. SHAKESPEARE
When are performances of Romeo + Juliet?
Performances run for 20 weeks from September 26 2024 to February 16 2025.
Where is Romeo + Juliet playing?
Romeo + Juliet is playing at the Circle in the Square Theatre, which is located on 235 W 50th Street, New York, NY 10019. For more information, please visit the venue page
How much do tickets cost?
Ticket prices begin at $125 (inclusive of all fees).
What is the age recommendation?
Romeo + Juliet is recommended for ages 13 and above.
How long is the show?
The play runs two hours with no intermission. There will be one brief pause.
What is the maximum number of tickets per person?
Tickets are limited to 10 per person.
How can groups book?
For 10 or more tickets, please visit Broadway Inbound at broadwayinbound.com
Are there any trigger warnings or sensitive topics?
This production may contain some of the following: violence, gunshots, flashing lights, sexual content, smoking, haze, adult themes.
Is there late seating?
There is strictly no late seating. Please leave plenty of time to get to the theatre. Visit the venue page for travel information.
Does the venue have wheelchair access?
The Orchestra is down 1 flight of stairs. The Orchestra is accessible via an escalator or elevator. Please see a staff member for elevator access. The entrance is behind Row K of the Orchestra. There are approximately 2 steps between each row with a handrail on each step.